We use DHL Express for worldwide shipping. Each product has sturdy packaging. Standard products are shipped within 1-3 business days. Custom Orders are shipped within 2-5 business days. Once shipped, usually will be delivered as follows:
- U.S. and Canada: Delivering in 3-5 business days.
- Europe: Delivering in 2-3 business days.
- Asia: Delivering in 2-8 business days.
- Australia: Delivering in 2-9 business days.
- Rest of the World: Delivering in 2-7 business days.
We do our best to deliver securely as fast as possible but please also note that Covid-19 is still having an affect on delivery times for some international countries.
For your information, we do not pay any custom fees, duties or any other associated fees. These fees are the customer's responsibility. Since every country varies for customs information, including any associated fees that may be incurred on your end, it is encouraged and advised to check online or with your local post office before purchasing.